FREE health screening at your office today!

Did you know that musculoskeletal issues (Mainly low back, neck and shoulder problems) accounted for 27.8 million sick days in 2018! Here at Maidenhead Chiropractic Clinic we want to ensure that you can perform your job to the best of your ability and still feel great when you get home so that your loved ones get the best from you too.

We offer free talks and checks at your office, our talks include how to improve your posture and curve stress at your desk, our nutrition top tips and simple stretches and exercises to help with back, neck and shoulder pain so that you don’t become another statistic!

Here is what you can expect when we visit you:

A lunch and learn or Health Talk offering tips on improving your health and performance at work and home with simple stretches to counteract the desk position.

A physical check up and a chance to talk to one of our experts about your health concerns

Surprise offer for all that attend

If you are still not sure, here are further reasons why you and your team need our complimentary health talk and check. Anybody who suffers from the following will benefit:

  • Back pain
  • Wrist/ Arm pain
  • Headaches or Migraines
  • Siff or painful neck
  • Sciatica
  • Sports Injuries (for the weekend warrior out there)
  • Osteoathritis

Also if you happen to:

  • Have a desk job
  • Experience recurring injuries
  • Do repetitive bending or lofting
  • Have a sedentry lifestyle
  • General feel unwell
  • Have a shoulder higher than the other
  • Feel like a leg is longer than the other

Bonus points for bringing us in too; your company looks after you and we look after you! Win win!

Ready to book?

If you have a question or would like to book an appointment then get in touch! You can find all of our contact details by clicking below.